Saturday, May 30, 2015

Diamonds are Forever

James 1:3
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

   Practically everyone loves diamonds, especially the ladies. If you don’t believe it, watch her face when presenting her with one. 

I remember the first diamond I purchased for my wife was a promise ring with a diamond chip. Okay, so it wasn’t a cut diamond, but it was all I could afford at the time. When I gave her the ring and asked her to marry me, her face beamed with joy. I later learned in our marriage that her aunt asked her for a magnifying glass so she could look for the diamond. Reflecting back to that moment in our lives, we both laugh.

What is it about diamonds that make them such a coveted possession? Is it the value of the gem? Could it be the brilliancy of its beauty? Maybe it’s the design, or the prestige of owning one? Its cost can range from a few dollars to millions of dollars. Many people around the world desire this priceless gem. Its beauty has been displayed by royalty, and worn by a meager soul as a promise given. Whatever the attraction, it’s a jewel that demands attention.

The diamond starts its arduous journey as a piece of coal. After being subjected to extreme pressure and heat over many years, the piece of ore becomes a gem in the rough. To the untrained eye it would appear to be nothing more than a stone, but to a gemologist it’s a master piece in the making.

The creation of a beautiful gem requires years of training.  With this knowledge, a Master Diamond cutter can transform what would appear to be an ordinary stone, into a beautiful work of art for all to admire.

First he examines the stone for any flaws that may obscure its beauty. If any are found, the crystal will be carefully marked to remove any imperfections. A blue print is then made and soon the stone is cut to bring out its hidden beauty.

In the early stages of our lives as a child of God, we were nothing more than an old chunk of coal. But through the fiery trails and pressures in our life, we start taking on the form of a diamond in the rough. The Master takes the crystal in his hands, cuts away the flaws, and removes the rough edges using the cutters wheel. When all is finished, He examines us for brilliancy, color, and grade to be placed in a set for all to see.

If the trials of you faith are wearing you down, and it seems like there is no hope. Just remember, you are a diamond in the rough placed in the Master’s hands. Let him bring out the best in you, so that all may see and glorify Him.

Louis Edwards