Saturday, February 8, 2020

Taking for granted…In Touch with God

Luke   Luke 2:44
But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. 

Life can be hectic. It pulls us from every side. It can be so demanding; we often forget about the important things. Our family, our friends, and even our time with God. You may have heard the story of a parent who left their child on a car; only to discover their misfortune after they see the car seat sliding down the road in their rearview mirror. That is a sobering and frightening experience.

Joseph and Mary along with Jesus had gone to Jerusalem for the Passover. The journey from home to the temple was challenging. The family had to be there. The sacrifice needed to be perfect. The offering must be accepted. When it was all said and done, they started their voyage home only to discover after a day Jesus wasn’t with them. They were wrapped up in the moment. Duty required it.

How many times have we been so busy with life that we forget God? We take him for granted just as Joseph and Mary did. They lost a whole day of fellowship with Jesus because they, supposed Him to be in the company. When we allow life to take control, we are like the parent who left their child on the car. We forget what is import and often leave Jesus sliding down the road. Slow down. Live your life, but live it with Jesus. The walk will be so much sweeter.

We must not just take it for granted that we are in touch with God.  Joseph and Mary lost a whole day of fellowship with Jesus because they, “supposed Him to be in the company” (Luke 2:44).  They took for granted something of which they should have made sure.

J. Oswald Sanders

Louis Edwards

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